When it comes to commemorating your accomplishments, plaques are a classic choice that never goes out of style. They serve as a timeless reminder of your hard work and dedication. It’s important to showcase these beautiful pieces in style. Whether it’s in your home or office, the way you display your plaques can enhance their aesthetic appeal making them a focal point in your space. 




Choosing the Right Location

Selecting the right location for your plaque award in your space can be a difficult choice. You have to find the appropriate spot that suits the plaque. To help you out, we have a few suggestions for you:

Wall Mounting

A place you cannot go wrong with when displaying a plaque award is on the wall. It’s the most common place to display plaques and other awards. So, choose a central spot that is visible from any direction of your space. 


If you have a bookshelf, whether in your home or office, consider placing your plaque award in between books. Adding plaques among a collection of books is an interesting way to display your award that will certainly catch attention. 

Display Shelves

If you don’t have a bookshelf don’t worry because you most likely have a display shelve somewhere. Plaques can be displayed here. They also allow you to arrange several plaques and create an elegant presentation. 

Office Desk 

If you have an office desk consider placing your plaque award on your desk. Considering you sit there constantly it can be a great way to remind yourself of your accomplishments. It can serve as motivation even when things get rough. 


Consider placing your plaque award near the entrance of your home or office. This is a nice way to display a plaque because when you welcome visitors they will immediately see your plaques and other awards on the wall right by the entryway


Your plaques are more than just symbols of accomplishment. They are a reflection of your hard work and dedication. They deserve to be displayed. You should not have them stored in a cabinet collecting dust because these awards are way too significant for that. So we hope the place suggestions we shared with you are helpful. 

All Time Awards is your premier award shop in San Diego, To view our website click here. If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at (858)277-4165